Sakeena Badrane

Staff Writer, University of Pittsburgh

Sakeena Badrane

Writer Bio

I’m currently a freshman at the University of Pittsburgh. I am a prospective Neuroscience and Philosophy double major on a pre-med track. I am very interested in participating in research labs just like I have in the past. When I have free time, I like to paint, sew, and watch random videos on the internet.

Research Interests


I love learning and investigating how the brain works. The complex chemistry of the brain is something that researchers are slowly, but surely, piecing together. Each piece is always more interesting than the last and provides invaluable insight into how we, as humans, function, think, and plainly exist. I hope to take part in this conquest to discover exactly what causes elusive neuropathologies, and I hope to learn of and discover ways to treat them.


The intricate balance of our immune systems is fascinating. Most of the time, our immune systems function as intended, protecting us from harm in ways we still do not fully understand. On occasion, it can have adverse effects, resulting in autoimmune diseases and exacerbating diseases like cancer. The instances when our finely tuned immunity malfunctions are truly fascinating, and I hope to investigate them further.


Often, decisions researchers and medical professionals make are highly controversial. The precarious balance between morality and immorality in medicine, which is such a sensitive field because it often saves or takes lives, is hard to grasp at times. There are many cases that are blatantly abhorrent, and there are many more that are more ambiguous, teetering between being moral and immoral. I greatly enjoy dissecting this ambiguity from a philosophical point of view.

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