
For that which is relating or is of the topic of Medicine

Alleviating Vaccine Hesitancy: The Path to a Safer Future

Alleviating Vaccine Hesitancy: The Path to a Safer Future

The human mind is constantly working on the fly, adapting to situations, and processing new information while considering the old. When posed with opposing courses of action, the best we can do is weigh our options in an attempt to mitigate risk and maximize reward by using what is presented to us along with our …

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Why do we really need vitamins?

Why Do We Really Need Vitamins?

Figure 1: This figure illustrates the interaction between an enzyme, a substrate, and a cofactor. The enzyme is glucosidase, which catalyzes the breakdown of its substrate maltose to glucose. This reaction is facilitated by the cofactor nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). This cofactor is derived from vitamin B3.3 The images above (of NAD+ and glucosidase) have …

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Old Painting of Tooth Surgery

Looking into the Past for a Glimpse of the Future: Using Medieval Tonics as Modern Antibiotics

Figure 1: In the image above, one can see a medieval dentist extracting a large tooth from his patient, depicted by the swirl of black flowing across the upper middle of the drawing. In fact, medicine has existed in some form or another for millennia, with each generation using the tools of the times to …

Looking into the Past for a Glimpse of the Future: Using Medieval Tonics as Modern Antibiotics Read More »