Sarah Matatov

Staff Writer, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

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Writer Bio

Sarah Matatov (she/her) is a senior working toward a biochemistry and psychology dual degree as well as a minor in chemistry and a certificate in computer science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. At Illinois, Sarah is an undergraduate research assistant in the laboratories of Professor Auinash Kalsotra and Professor Kara Federmeier. In addition to writing for ICJS, Sarah is an editor for Brain Matters, the on-campus neuroscience journal, and a certified EMT-B. In the future, she hopes to pursue an M.D.-Ph.D. in biochemistry to study the mechanisms of neurodegenerative disorders. In her free time, Sarah loves to swim, go hiking, watch television, and spend time with friends!

Research Interests


I’m really interested in learning about the brain and how it works all the way from the biochemical to the psychological mechanisms. In particular I’m really interested in studying neurodegereation and regeneration to help with treating diseases.


I really enjoy learning about and doing experiments in the biochemical field. I thing it is important to understand the underlying mechanisms behind biological processes when we are trying to treat a disease.

Developmental Biology

Recently I’ve become really interested in the development of the body and brain. In particular, the epigenetics and the chemical environment around a developing embryo and how the delicate balance of these factors works. I’m also interested in how our can be harnessed in the lab using induced pluripotent stem cells.

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