Mingcong Tang
Staff Writer, Southwest University

Writer Bio
I am a member of the Class of 2023 at Southwest University, where I study Applied Psychology. Ultimately, I hope to become a researcher and therapist with a Ph.D. in the future. On campus, I do psychology research and write about depression, impulsivity, and eating disorders. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, cooking, and biking with my friends.
Research Interests
I am interested in understanding emotion, decision-making, and executive function, more specifically, their roles and interactions in clinical areas such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. Recently, I did relevant research in food choices within eating disorders, and emotion-related impulsivity and suicidality.
Mental Health
I am excited about transforming the latest mental health research into popular science articles, as I always believe that advances in scientific fields should be available and accessible in ordinary life. I have been updated such articles weekly since the beginning of 2021.
Morality and Ethics
The more I learn how to conduct psychological research and therapy sessions, the more I realize the great importance of morality and ethics are in this field. I used to believe that they are the rigorous rules we should obey, but I gradually realize they are what make research and therapy successful. I hope to dig more deeply into their application in my study field.
Recent Long Articles
Emotion-Related Impulsivity and Disordered Eating Behaviors: A Literature Review
Figure: An artistic depiction of disordered eating behavior under the...
Read MoreEarly Childhood Adversity Impacts Impulsive Decision-Making
Cover Image: An image of a girl holding a stuffed...
Read MoreRecent Short Articles
A Field in Focus: Loneliness and Well-Being Research
Figure: An image of a woman wearing a mask, isolated...
Read MoreIt’s Time to Embrace a Better Model of Brain Function: Neural Functioning Owes to Overlapping Areas of Activity, not Isolated Regions
Figure: Illustration of brain areas that are involved in social...
Read MoreHow Tele-Mental Health Helps Us During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Figure 1: Telehealth consultation via smartphones can serve as a...
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